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October 18 - 20 2019 Goddess Conference - Australia

2019 Goddess Conference

Please Visit the Goddess Conference of Australia website -

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And Check Out an introduction to the 2019 Upcoming Goddess Event with Brooke

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More Information Soon!

Image for Event is ‘Rainbow Serpent Dreaming’ by Lorraine Williams

“Rainbow Serpent’s themes are beauty, life, joy, fertility, tradition, children and health. Her symbols are flowers, rainbows, rainwater and pearls. The Aborigine Goddess, also sometimes called Julunggul, represents the fertile rains and the waters in the seas. According to tradition, She flows into people’s lives, bringing children, joy, the knowledge of magical healing arts, and protection for sacred traditions.

The city of Queensland, Australia, blossoms around this time of year in a colorful array of flowers. This carnival honors the joy of living, something the Rainbow Serpent embodies.”