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Moving Through Current Challenges into 

Thriving, Prospering & Richness of Life

 In this challenging time, we need all the help we can get 

~ to move forward in ways that are healthy and joyful for each of us 

 ~ AND which leave a beautiful and productive planet for coming generations of our children and All Our Relations

~ Wise elders say that we have only this generation to come into a harmonious,

inter-connected way of living, or our human family will be extinct! 

Brooke has spent her life searching the globe ~ finding and sharing knowledge about living well and thriving on this beautiful Earth. And now she has brought together a powerful forum of wise and knowledgable people who are “putting on the ground” real and sustainable ways of living in richness and plenty. In this special offering, you will learn so much from them about how you can step forward in a good way yourself! 

It’s clear that workable, regenerative solutions are based on looking at the whole picture, and getting connected to the profound lessons of how things really work on this planet and with us as humans. Everything from White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman’s holy teachings to modern quantum science tell us we and everything on Earth are connected in a whole and holy CIRCLE of LIFE.  Walking forward in a way that works must reflect this at every level!

You’ll love hearing from folks like wise elder and presidential consultant Jean Houston; shaman and Earth healer, Sandra Ingerman; Aleut wisdom keeper, Ilarion Merculieff; Hawaiian knowledge carrier and fern-medicine man, Ke’oni Hanalei; internationally famous horse “whisperer” and healer, Linda Tellington Jones; herbal pioneer and teacher, Rosemary Gladstar; sustainable building expert and international Permaculture teacher, Penny Livingston-Stark; AND Paul Levy, quantum physicist and alchemist of life mysteries; Itzhak Beery, shaman  and sacred plant medicine facilitator; Matthew Liam Gardner, young and powerful, conscious Australian leader; Vicki Noble on the power of the arising Feminine; Stephen McFadden on food production and agro-ecology; MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans sharing Dancing with Water; and so much more……

GREAT TIME to get VIP SPEAKERS package!! Which includes: 1. The ability to listen to listen to every speaker (as many times as you want) AND to share with your family and friends; 2. Information and wisdom to support your radiant and sustaining life ~ on hand to save you time, energy, and stress; 3. + bonus material which includes references to many wisdom ways I could not include in the interviews!

Let me ask you, what would it be worth 

to sit in circle with these remarkable Earthkeepers

and learn practical ways of being and doing?

 It could MAKE THE REAL DIFFERENCE in how you proceed to create a rich and good life for you and your family!

Just so you know, you will be able to watch from your home, office or on the go. 

Here are some of the things you’ll learn about: 

~ how we are connected to the whole of Life and what that means for us day to day; 

~ how to build our homes in ways that are affordable, beautiful, harmonious and healthy;

~ how the plant world is vital to our lives, our happiness and health 

~  how food production is the basis of our lives; and choices that make the real difference in our well-being 

~ indigenous wisdom about lifeways of health and harmony for All; 

- and much, much more……

I’m honored to share this forum with these remarkable people of action: teachers, healers, and wisdom keepers

Watch from your home, office or on the go! 

I look forward to being with you. 

Be very well, Brooke
