Ceremonial Circle for Earth & All Our Relations
LIVE ZOOMS with Brooke Medicine Eagle & the Earthkeepers Family
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Ceremonial Circle for Earth & All Our Relations
LIVE ZOOMS with Brooke Medicine Eagle & the Earthkeepers Family
Brooke is focused on taking people from what is troubling or challenging them to where they wish to go and what they want to create for themselves ~ using powerful clearing techniques to let go of the old, and to imprint into their consciousness the new toward which they are moving. She offers healing and cleariing in the Inka shamanic tradition, trauma and stress related sessions, somatic work, and mentoring. Click Here for More Details: https://www.medicineeagle.com/private-sessions-more-details
Check out the Power & Beauty Series newly featured on Searchie’s HUB platform! CLICK HERE
If you have already signed up to the Power & Beauty Series you have access to the HUB and have received emails to create your LOGIN Account. Please email us if you have not signed up yet and need any assistance! bmewisdom@gmail.com
For information about LifeWave visit: www.startx39now.com
To place an order: https://lifewave.com/medicineeagle/store/products
Or use my LifeWave ID: 2212553
If you have questions, please contact me bmevitality@gmail.com I'd love to support your wellbeing! ~ Brooke
Check out this YouTube LifeWave video: Click Here
The Voice of the Grandmothers of the Americas Event 2025
~ Dates To Be Announced Soon!
For Information: Email ~ luzclara1111@gmail.com
Saturday, 29 March 2025 (10am-5pm)
Women's workshop: "Women of Beauty ~ Women of Power"
Sunday, 30 March 2025
Private sessions
Cailloux-sur-Fontaines (Northern Lyon)
Contact: Elodie Chazot chazot.elodie@gmail.com
Samedi 29 mars 2025 (10-17h)
Atelier entre Femmes : "Femmes de Beauté, Femmes de Pouvoir".
Dimanche 30 mars 2025
Consultations privées.
Cailloux-sur-Fontaines (30 mn de Lyon)
Information: Elodie Chazot chazot.elodie@gmail.com
Click Below for More Details!
Cacao Ceremony Avec Mama Cacao et Brooke Medicine Eagle
Info/Inscription : ames.soeurs.cevennes@gmail.com
Lausanne Switzerland: May 21-25.
Women's gathering; medicine evening for men and women;
private consultations.
Full info and details coming soon!!
Workshops and gatherings in Zagreb and on Island Cres
with Earthkeeper Spirit group
Private consultations
Information: earthkeeperspirit@gmail.com
Sat. June 7 Zageb 6:30-9 Dancing the Medicine Wheel workshop
Sunday, perhaps Monday: private sessions
Island Cres: Tues 10 Brooke teaching workshop within Medicine of Interconnectedness Gathering - opening circle 5 PM
T-W 11-12 Brooke: AWAKENING THE FEMININE workshop, Possible evening moon lodge.
Dawn Star Teachings for a New Earth
& Cacao Ceremony
Ludlow, Shropshire.
Residential Retreat
August 9 ~ 10 9am~5pm
Either camping or in the house's shared bedrooms.
Email: Ruth Cato ruth@ruthcato.com
Loving Ourselves & the Circle of Life Through the way of the Horse
August 12
Register: Email ~ info@heartshorehorses.com
Event Information: Click Here
Sacred Feminine Gathering
August 28 ~ 31 2025
Register: Email ~ lunarwombtemple@gmail.com
Buy Tickets: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/heartspringevents/1609280
Asha Centre, Forest of Dean, UK
Details: Goddesses of Earth and Water: Rediscovering Our Magic - Residential Retreat with Bliss and Brooke Medicine Eagle
Awakening the Feminine Event ~ Germany
March 22 ~ 23
Register: Email ~ Monika Kubicek-Siegenthaler
Start Your Journey to Vibrant Health Today ~
[Free Webinar] The Earlier You Begin, the Brighter Your Future!
Register: Click Here
Join us on a sacred journey to heal and reconnect at this year's Earthkeepers Summit! Register: Click Here!!
This is your invitation to step into the circle of ancient wisdom, where over 30 visionaries, shamans, and healers will share ancient teachings and modern practices to restore much needed balance to our planet.
Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, ancient wisdom, or ways to nurture your soul, this summit offers the keys to becoming an Earthkeeper ~ a guardian of our world’s future.
Let the healing begin. Are you ready to embrace your role as an Earthkeeper? Then join us now for FREE.
Experience Transformative Insights for a Vibrant Life, No Matter Your Age!
Empower Yourself with the Keys to Lifelong Health, Vitality, and Joy
on October 29th - 10am PT and 5pm London time
Click here to register:
Registration and Details ~ Maelle maelle@celebrarte.art
Register: Contact ~ Caroline Von Bibikow contact@carolinevonbibikow.com
See Event Video On YouTube: https://youtu.be/Hh05hmslpdE
Healing Ceremony for Mother Earth,
All Our Relations & You!
31 May - 2 June
Dienstag, Germany: Wildpark Eekholt
Contact: Sylvia Wollwert: s.wollwert@healing-nature.de
Please register online: https://visionssuchen.de/anmeldung/
15-16 - private sessions in the countryside
eve 16 - Gathering for men & women in the countryside
17-18 CEREMONY FOR THE EARTH: Deeper Teachings of White Buffalo Woman
a gathering for women in LausanneAlso see: https://les-4-vents.ch
For information and registration, contact : brookesuisse@gmail.com
Brooke is focused on taking people from what is troubling or challenging them to where they wish to go and what they want to create for themselves ~ using powerful clearing techniques to let go of the old, and to imprint into their consciousness the new toward which they are moving. She offers healing and cleariing in the Inka shamanic tradition, trauma and stress related sessions, somatic work, and mentoring. Click Here for More Details: https://www.medicineeagle.com/private-sessions-more-details
13-14 private consultations - Eaux-Vives
18 - Women’s Empowerment through Native Wisdom
information & registration: Claudia Moreno
Register Now ~ Click Here:
I am delighted to be teaching soon on LIVING WHITE BUFFALO WOMAN'S WISDOM ~ Through this course, I will be establishing the framework that we have all eagerly awaited to address significant questions of our times. We will look at the current human experience on Earth and the critical issues we must face. Creating solutions directly from Source is our highest and best choice.
Grounding the awakening Feminine Workshop
Sat 19th Aug
ruth@ruthcato.com for info
Details and booking link: https://www.ruthcato.com/brookemedicineeagle
Through the way of the Horse
August 12-13
Heartshore Horse Farm, Stroud England
This is a very special offering at €295!
Register now: Dawn Oakley Smith dawnoakleysmith@gmail.com
The Dawning of the Feminine
Register Here: https://fb.me/e/7M9PunuXL
An evening in the temple with indigenous elder, Brooke Medicine Eagle
Stroud, England
August 9
For registration, contact Bliss: blissbutterfly23@gmail.com
August 8-11
contact Bliss: blissbutterfly23@gmail.com
22-23 juillet
"à "Terre de Souffle”
-22 juillet : private consultations ~ consultations privées
-23 Juillet workshop "Marcher le chemin du coeur "
**** https://www.terredesouffle.fr/brooke-medicine-eagle
Isabelle Bolo
This sharing from Brooke is a unique and powerful SPIRITUAL WAY which unfolded in the Americas centuries ago. Although a remarkable being was involved, who was called Dawn Star by the people, it is not about one person nor a religion or a church. It is about the PRINCIPLE and PRACTICE of LOVE - a deep spiritual teaching which echoes down through the Ages and is totally relevant for our lives and the life of All Our Relations today ~ in this critical time on Earth.
Through this INDIGENOUS NATIVE LINEAGE come and learn about:
- the most powerful transformational force on Earth
- spiritual freedom
- profound perspectives on healing
- the blossoming of the human heart and All the Family of Life
- our intimate relationships
- the principle of bonding
- sound and vibration magic
- plant spirit medicine.
Learn about:
- the difference between spiritual and religious ways
- indigenous American lineage /history
- our responsibility in the Piscean Age.
Our wisest elders say that in this 6th Great Extinction,
we have only one generation (20 years) to come into harmony and balance with the family of Life and All Our Relations,
or we humans too will become extinct.COME LEARN ABOUT A WAY OF SUSTAINING HARMONY FOR ALL upon this Earth.
What you learn will be supportive of your own best life,
and assist you in becoming a powerful force
for good, sustainable and regenerative living in harmony
with All Our Relations.
FLOWERSONG : LA VOIE DU COEURCet enseignement de Brooke Medicine Eagle est une voie SPIRITUELLE unique et puissante qui trouve sa source dans les sagesses amérindiennes.
Les anciens ont évoqué un être remarquable appelé Dawn Star, « Etoile de l’Aube », mais il ne s'agit ni d'une personne, ni d'une religion, ni d'une église en particulier. C’est une VOIE D’AMOUR, un enseignement profond qui a traversé les âges et arrive à point nommé dans nos vies et pour Toutes nos Relations (*), en ce moment critique sur Terre.A travers cette voie indigène, vous apprendrez et comprendrez ce qu’est :
- la force la plus transformatrice sur Terre
- la liberté spirituelle
- l’ouverture du cœur humain et l’épanouissement du vivant tout entier
- nos relations imtimes et le lien véritable à l’autre
- la magie du son et de la vibration
- l’esprit de la medicine des plantesET venez decouvrir- la difference enter les voies spirituelles et religieuses
- la lignee amerindienne
- notre responsabilité en tant qu’être humain en cette période de changements sur Terre.Nos sages les plus anciens disent que dans cette 6ème grande extinction,
nous n'avons qu'une génération (20 ans) pour entrer en harmonie et en équilibre avec la famille de la Vie et de Toutes Nos Relations (Mitakuye Oyasin), sinon nous aussi, les humains, nous allons disparaître.Ces informations vous aideront à vous réaliser et à devenir une force puissante pour vous-même et pour votre famille et votre communauté.
Le monde a besoin d’harmonie. Elle commence en nous !
15-16 juillet
Veronique & Alex: Path with Heart ~ “Marcher le Chemin du Coeur”
Véronique Devin et Alexandra Allouche
This sharing from Brooke is a unique and powerful SPIRITUAL WAY which unfolded in the Americas centuries ago. Although a remarkable being was involved, who was called Dawn Star by the people, it is not about one person nor a religion or a church. It is about the PRINCIPLE and PRACTICE of LOVE - a deep spiritual teaching which echoes down through the Ages and is totally relevant for our lives and the life of All Our Relations today ~ in this critical time on Earth.
Through this INDIGENOUS NATIVE LINEAGE come and learn about:
- the most powerful transformational force on Earth
- spiritual freedom
- profound perspectives on healing
- the blossoming of the human heart and All the Family of Life
- our intimate relationships
- the principle of bonding
- sound and vibration magic
- plant spirit medicine.
Learn about:
- the difference between spiritual and religious ways
- indigenous American lineage /history
- our responsibility in the Piscean Age.
Our wisest elders say that in this 6th Great Extinction,
we have only one generation (20 years) to come into harmony and balance with the family of Life and All Our Relations,
or we humans too will become extinct.COME LEARN ABOUT A WAY OF SUSTAINING HARMONY FOR ALL upon this Earth.
What you learn will be supportive of your own best life,
and assist you in becoming a powerful force
for good, sustainable and regenerative living in harmony
with All Our Relations.
FLOWERSONG : LA VOIE DU COEURCet enseignement de Brooke Medicine Eagle est une voie SPIRITUELLE unique et puissante qui trouve sa source dans les sagesses amérindiennes.
Les anciens ont évoqué un être remarquable appelé Dawn Star, « Etoile de l’Aube », mais il ne s'agit ni d'une personne, ni d'une religion, ni d'une église en particulier. C’est une VOIE D’AMOUR, un enseignement profond qui a traversé les âges et arrive à point nommé dans nos vies et pour Toutes nos Relations (*), en ce moment critique sur Terre.A travers cette voie indigène, vous apprendrez et comprendrez ce qu’est :
- la force la plus transformatrice sur Terre
- la liberté spirituelle
- l’ouverture du cœur humain et l’épanouissement du vivant tout entier
- nos relations imtimes et le lien véritable à l’autre
- la magie du son et de la vibration
- l’esprit de la medicine des plantesET venez decouvrir- la difference enter les voies spirituelles et religieuses
- la lignee amerindienne
- notre responsabilité en tant qu’être humain en cette période de changements sur Terre.Nos sages les plus anciens disent que dans cette 6ème grande extinction,
nous n'avons qu'une génération (20 ans) pour entrer en harmonie et en équilibre avec la famille de la Vie et de Toutes Nos Relations (Mitakuye Oyasin), sinon nous aussi, les humains, nous allons disparaître.Ces informations vous aideront à vous réaliser et à devenir une force puissante pour vous-même et pour votre famille et votre communauté.
Le monde a besoin d’harmonie. Elle commence en nous !
1-6 juillet Quête d Vision - Magic Mesa Retreat
Brooke Medicine Eagle
CONTACT: EMAIL ~ bmeaglefrance@gmail.com
Correns near Marseilles - Provence
15-18 juin
- AWAKENING THE FEMININE ~ Réveillez le Féminin
- private consultations - consultations privées
Oriane Mutabazi
19-21 mai
- private consultations ~ consultations privées
- Cercle de Tambours “Drumming the Heartbeat”
- Walking the Path of Heart ~ “Marcher le Chemin du Coeur”
Chloé Barahona
15-16 avril : private consultations ~ consultations privées
Valérie Begouen