Free Writing 


Brooke is now working on a compilation of her 20 chapters in edited books and the many articles from magazines. We’ll let you know when that is available as a download. (By the way, if you happen to have copies of any old articles from Many Smokes, Shaman’s Drum, or other publications, let us know because we may not have access to that specific one and would love to have it. Thanks.)


Articles and Chapters Bibliography

POWER ANIMALS & THE WAY OF THE HEART: An Interview with Brooke Medicine Eagle, by Aluna Raphael - click here!

SHAMANIC VOICES:  A Survey of Visionary Narratives,  ed. Joan Halifax.  E.P. Dutton,  1979; pp.86-92 (chap.: "The Quest for Vision").

SHAPE SHIFTERS:  Shaman Women in Contemporary Society,  ed. Michele Jamal. Arkana Publishing, 1987; pp. 159-170 (chap.: "The Way of Healing").

SHAMAN'S PATH:  Healing, Personal Growth and Empowerment, ed. Gary Doore.  Shambala Books, 1988; pp. 209-216 (chap.: "To Paint Ourselves Red").

RED FLOWER:  Rethinking Menstruation, ed. Dena Taylor.  Crossing Press, 1988; pp. 101-3 (chap.:  "Grandmother Lodge").

HEALERS ON HEALING, ed. Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield.  Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1989;  (chap.:  "The Circle of Healing").

CHILDLESSNESS TRANSFORMED: Stories of Alternative Parenting, ed. Jane English.  Earth Heart, 1989; pp. 25-38(chap.:  "Brooke Medicine Eagle").

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD:  New Writings by Spiritual and Psychological Leaders, ed. Shield & Carlson,   New World Library, 1990; pp. 73-77 (chap.: "Open to the Great Mystery").

WOMEN OF THE 14TH MOON: Writings on Menopause, ed. Dena Taylor & Ameber Coverdale Sumrall. The Crossing Press, 1991; pp. 260 - 262 (chap.: “Grandmother Lodge”)

COMING INTO OUR FULLNESS: On Women Turning Forty, interviews & photographs by Cathleen Rountree.  The Crossing Press, 1991; pp. 142 - 153.

SISTERS OF THE EARTH, Women's Prose and Poetry About Nature, ed. Lorraine Anderson.  Vintage Books, Random House, Inc., 1991; pp. 330 - 335 (chap.: "The Rainbow Bridge").

BUFFALO WOMAN COMES SINGING, Brooke Medicine Eagle.  Ballantine Books, 1991.

AS ABOVE, SO BELOW: Paths to Spiritual Renewal in Daily Life, ed. Ronald S. Miller.  Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1992; pp. 83-84 ("Toning the Belly").

THE SPIRAL PATH,  ed. Theresa King O'Brien.  Yes Intl. Publishers, 1992; pp. 56 - 75 (chap.: "Nature & Spirituality: Time of the New Dawning").

THE CEREMONIAL CIRCLE: Practice, Ritual & Renewal for Personal & Community Healing, Cahill & Halpern.  Harperp, 1992; pp. 125-132 (chap.: "Dancing the Dream Awake").

VOICES ON THE THRESHOLD OF TOMORROW,  ed. George & Trisha Feuerstein.  Quest Books, 1993; pp. 283-284 (chap.: "Giving Back the Gifts of Earth").

ANCIENT VOICES, CURRENT AFFAIRS: The Legend of the Rainbow Warriors, Steve McFadden, Bear & Co. Pub., 1992, pp. 7-12 (chapter: “The Legend of the Rainbow Warriors”)

SHAMANISM, Shirley Nicholson, Quest Books, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL; pp. 280-85, (“The Lineage of the Sun”)

THROUGH THE EYE OF THE FEATHER,  ed. Gail Tuchman.  Gibbs Smith, 1994; pp. 26-36 (chap.: "Brooke Medicine Eagle's Vision").

THE LITTLE BOOK OF NATIVE AMERICAN WISDOM, Steve McFadden, 1994, p. 21, (“Paying Attention”).

COYOTE’S COUNCIL FIRE: Contemporary Shamans on Race, Gender. & Community. ed. Loren Cruden, 1995;  pp. 49-51 (chap.: “Passing the Talking Stick”).

STORMING HEAVEN’S GATE: An Anthology of Spritual Writings by Women. ed. Amber Coverdale Sumrall and Patrice Vecchione, 1997; pp. 8-13 (chap.: “The Rainbow Bridge”).

WHEN THE DRUMMERS WERE WOMEN: A Spiritual History of Rythym. Layne Redmond, 1997 p.17

THE RIGHT SIDE OF FORTY: Celebrating Timeless Women, ed Patricia Martin, Photographer Leif Zurmuhlen, 1997. Brooke is featured in this anthology.