About Brooke Medicine Eagle
Brooke Medicine Eagle is a legendary indigenous Earthkeeper, wisdom teacher, healer, visionary, singer/songwriter, catalyst for wholeness, and ceremonialist. She is the best selling author of the Native American literary classic, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, and of The Last Ghost Dance. Over the last 35 years, her many music recordings, teachings, writings, conference appearances, and wilderness spiritual retreats have touched the hearts and minds of people all over the world. In January of 2000, in recognition of her remarkable contributions in bridging cultural gaps in our world, Medicine Eagle was one of 30 people to receive the special Magical Blend Millennium Award, along with the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jean Houston, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra and others.**
Brooke is also a sacred ecologist with a focused interest in living a harmonious, regenerative lifestyle, as well as dedication to the preservation of our sacred waters. Born in a homesteading family, she loves simple, clean country living; aboriginal skills; as well as crafting and artistry. Having years ago passed on the stewardship of her beautiful FlowerSong Garden Sanctuary, she is now expanding her love and connection to All Our Relations by traveling, exploring, deepening and teaching internationally. After 8 years on the road, she is now looking for a gardening and sustainable community to call home.
Brooke’s favorite: GARDENING!
Brooke is a fore-mother of the Moon Lodge / Red Tent awakening of women's mysteries wisdom: information about a women’s journey from menarche maiden to moon-pause elder. Her visions have illuminated the vital role of women in the transformation of our lives and our planet. Her teachings make clear the spiritual charge that women carry and the power we have been given to accomplish it - for the healing of ourselves, our families and the world. She is especially focused on women’s health and empowerment, as the Feminine is called forth into loving leadership in this critical time.
Brooke’s lineage is an amazing rainbow, and she has always identified with the richness of all humanity, rather than any one tribe or people. Her family claims ancestry in six native tribes (Crow, Nez Perce, Lakota, Cree, Piegan and Cherokee) as well as European blood from Scotland, Ireland, and Denmark. She is a non-traditional member of the Crow Indian tribe in Montana, where she grew up in a half-breed rancher family, homesteading in the beautiful high country of the reservation.
Brooke has an amazingly rich altar of offerings for the upliftment of all. Her wisdom has come not only from deep life experience, and formal education (having recently completed her PhD begun long ago); but as well through studying with native elders and some of the finest teachers, spiritual leaders and healers of contemporary times. She has studied with native elders and spiritual teachers in many places around the world, including Peruvian Incan shamans from whom she carries a shamanic way called Healing the Light Body. She is fortunate to count Moshe Feldenkrias, Doris Breyer, Stanley Kelleman, and Milton Trager among her therapeutic body work teachers and mentors. She studied and offers Somatic Experiencing and Rapid Resolution Therapy - these are profound trauma release work - as a part of her private consultations which are focused on clearing blockages, opening your heart, and assisting your expression of your finest gifts into this world, that is so in need in this critical and transforming time.
Click Here for Private Work with Brooke
In her personal healing retreat of the last five years, she has learned to renew and rejuvenate her body as well as release the deep traumas and challenges of the past. Learning how to manifest positive outcomes for herself and All Our Relations has also been a special focus. She now offers an empowerment series of teachings - based on ancient principles confirmed by modern physics and brain research; these are especially beneficial to women in this time of the Arising Feminine and the need for feminine leadership on Lady Gaia.
Brooke loves creating beauty and harmony in every way possible, whether helping build an exquisite ornate gypsy wagon, making gorgeous and productive gardens, building remarkable homesteads in record time, beading and making buckskin clothing, or doing the Earth harmony work shared by the old magician Slim Spurling and Feng Shui masters. Had it not been for her calling into medicine work, she often says she would have been an architect/designer – she has a lively intelligence and keen eye for creating what is not only beautiful, but workable, functional and sustainable.
As always, Brooke focuses her love on the joy and healing power of music, sound and vibration. Having always encouraged her students to sing and dance, she gathered, wrote and recorded many traditional and new chants. Brooke's vision for future gatherings is to bring together larger and larger groups whose intent is to create powerful transformation and harmony for themselves and All Our Relations. These performances and ceremonies, will be a deepening aspect of the FlowerSong work, which she began with Dance Awake the Dream, a series of internationally connected spiritual ceremonies dedicated in this way. Brooke invites everyone in our time to heal themselves through spiritual action in service of the next seven generations of our children.
As we now move fully into the new and golden time prophecied, Brooke seeks to become what Mayan elders call the people of this emerging Age: people made of honey. As we hold sweetness, blossoming, flowering, lightness and love in our hearts, we will break through the oily surface of the power mongers of the past into a glorious time of living and creating from our hearts. The old calendar has ended, and a radiant future awaits our creation!
** Other recipients included: Rev. Jesse Jackson; Jean Houston; Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young; Dr. Andrew Weil; Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Brooke does not condone or participate in cultural appropriation in her practice and teaching. Although she has a lineage of American tribal people, she does not represent any tribe or group ~ her teachings come from her own learning and experience. Her work is natural and based in the embodied spirituality.