Dear Friends & Family Fall 2019

Dear Friends and Family, 

Wow, it’s  been a whirlwind of a summer, with amazing personal time in the beauty of Sacred Ground’s landscape, as well as creating transformative retreats for a few lucky and wonderful folks. Now, that season is clearly at an end, as I am writing this on an airplane - bound for a 6 month international tour, beginning in Australia!!


First, I want to share with you my continuing love and joy in connection to that remarkable place, Sacred Ground buffalo sanctuary (with my old home ranch included). My body was built on that wild and wonderful land, so it’s clearly dear to me; yet I’m again and again in awe of what amazing awakening and transfiguration it brings to those who spend a week there. From the pure spring water to the white quartz mountains; from the radiant buffalo herd to the thriving habitat for rare birds like the long-billed curlew; from lush prairie grasslands to pine covered uplands; from our paint horse herd to the mother bear and her twin cubs; it’s all just thrilling to everyone who has the honor to journey there. And I get to live there - at least in the warm months (until I can create an actual house there that will sustain me in the intense winters)! 


Secondly, I’d like to suggest something which I think is important for us all.  I am indigenous to that beautiful land, my homeland, and would be even if I were not connected to a tribe. Tribal people are indigenous, yet not all indigenous people are tribal. More and more we are  being urged to define ourselves by where the bones of our ancestors are buried, and by what place on this sweet Earth we live and steward.  Long ago, a venerable Hopi elder reminded me that if those with whiter skin are born on the land where their grandparents bones lie, they are native. And natives must awaken to caring for the land, rather than leaving it to ancient tribal people. We must all awaken to our obligation as Earth children and our joy as responsible humans, as well as our duty to the children of the future - and care for this amazingly beautiful planet we were given as home. So I hope you get barefoot, get your hands in the soil, let gratefulness fill your heart, and step into your true human being - a steward of the land and All Our Relations. 


Thirdly, I’m taking a big breath after the summer season, having begun again the official offering of retreat time at Sacred Ground (my friend says it should be called “advance" time, with how powerfully people step forward into their deeper truth and purpose upon completing their journey there!). Although Tanah and I add some wonderful teaching and sharing, the real transformative energy comes from the power of the land itself. It’s hard to explain - you kinda have to be there ;-)  It calls forth Truth: whether that comes as issues you have not resolved, or gifts you have to give the world. It’s all fair game when you open that gate and step toward those crystal mountains! Getting to be with the buffalo herd is remarkable; drinking from the exquisite clear and healing water flowing up from the Earth; picking radiant herbs; visiting the crystal-centered medicine wheel; the ancestors and ancient ones speaking to your heart; resting in the arms of the Love that nests there…..


Anyway, we are open to creating another summer with some special people who make the powerful choice to spend time with us at Sacred Ground.  I’ll be re-working the web write-up soon to reflect some updates, but if you are truly ready to spend a week with me there, sign up now to reserve your place, and we’ll work out the details over the coming months. (Write, subject SACRED GROUND RETREAT.)

By the way, Yellowstone Park mountains can be seen from where we are, and it is possible to arrange for me to take you on tour through the amazing place, in addition to time at the ranch! 


A fun thing - I have recently connected with a wonderful and honored young man of the Crow Nation who is now a highly awarded hip-hop artist, SUPAMAN!! 
He carries a loving and uplifting message for all people, and is an inspiration to young natives. I hope to someday create an event with him to offer teachings to those youth.


I have just put up a wonderful resource for you. Learning about the benefits of women’s moon (menstrual) time practice is remarkably useful and powerful in your life - especially in this time of the Arising Feminine, as women are called to make a positive difference in critical issues for human sustainability on Earth. I think that this video talk, given at the Glastonbury Goddess conference, will be enlightening and useful for all women, and ask that after you listen to it, you share it with 13 others  so they may benefit as well.


My Australian trip has been intense and remarkable, and I will be sending another newsletter with more news about this autumn and winter journey. My groups have been joyful and pleased with what they received. And I am having a fabulous vacation as well - women from many areas are hosting me and taking me to secret and sacred places I would never see as a tourist. I’ve been on the E coastline, enjoying the beauty of inland and shore, as well as the amazing animals and birds! 


This is an intense and evolutionary time on Earth. The energies of Creation are asking us to step up to a new way of being - one in which we remember ourselves as made by and of the Love and Light which created the whole universe — to know that we are so loved by the great forces of life, and that God/Goddess always says YES to whatever we command with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Time to tune up the vibration we offer and call in the beauty and abundance and sweetness Creator has for  us!!


Always and ever my love and blessings go with you…  B   
